Martin Kennelly


cloud software engineer

with kubernetes as my control plane

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Testing your CNI

Kubernetes delegates networking to plugins that conform to the CNI spec. CNI defines the protocol between the plugin binary and a runtime which maybe Kubelet.

A CNI spec conforming plugin binary receives information via stdin and environment variables.

cnitool is a golang program to invoke your CNI binary easily with the required stdin data. For CNI tools, this data is stored in json format in a file in /etc/cni/net.d/. Environment vars required must be available in the shell before invoking CNI tool.

Using this tool will shorten your development and test loop.

For installation and configuration of the test netns, see the associated CNI tool readme.

Invoking SRIOV CNI with CNI tool

Create a network configuration which cnitool will pass via stdin to SRIOV CNI

$ echo '{"deviceID": "0000:0a:01.0", "cniVersion": "0.4.0", "name": "mysriov", "type": "sriov"}' | tee /etc/cni/net.d/20-mysriov.conf

Note: mandatory addition of deviceID which must be a virtual function PCI address for SRIOV CNI For additional network configuration options, see netconf struct and the associated struct field meta info tag name.

Invoke SRIOV CNI binary

$ CNI_PATH=/opt/cni/bin cnitool add mysriov ${path-to-test-netns}